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Bazaar 11 Feb: Doppelganger SwapMeet Gig


Featuring performances by George Wong, Dzamira Dzafri, Syazwan Pojie, Ryota. Raksaksa and more!

Swap Meet Bazaar + Gig started off last year during our stint at Palate Palette. So now we bring it back to DoPPel Kafe. Bring anything music or video game related. Use this as a chance to promote your services too if you're a music studio - you could give away one free hour of your studio time perhaps? Or bands, you could also swap your time with organisers. Basically the idea is to build a strong and healthy swap meet community here, at the heart of music - DoPPel Kafe.

The whole idea is to exchange and share - have something or want something? We're sharing the idea of swapping it with someone who needs it.

All you'll need to do is to give a value to your item, check it in, get some Doppelganger dollars in return, then go shopping! We will have our own system of classification.

Please make sure all items work, k. THink of others. It'd really suck if you were to swap a really cool CD for another that doesn't work or has scratches.

Here's a list of items we accept:

  • Music lessons
  • Recording studio time
  • Performances
  • Web design / PR / Writing / Composing

Other items:
  • Amps
  • Drums
  • Instruments
  • Recording Gear
  • DJ Systems
  • Books
  • Memorabilia
  • Vinyls
  • CDs (music or game originals preferred)
  • Videos
  • Pro Audio, Stage & Lighting
  • Speakers
  • Strings
  • Cables
  • Audio & Video connectors
  • Music Gear Accessories
  • Promotional Products/Services
  • Magazines
Happy thinking of what to swap! We'll be seeing you then :)


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