Here we go again with Doppelganger Indie Picks. Each time, we select one local and one foreign artiste to share with you. This edition, we are shaking with excitement as we reintroduce two punk acts, both of whom have been around for quite some time. Whilst our Balinese counterpart, Superman is Dead enjoys a fan base of over 5million on Facebook, the other closer to home (we're speaking of Ampang in Kuala Lumpur) has an insignificant amount of but in our opinion, have the promise of being a really really really (as my Italian friend Valentina says) a smashing big band! So the long and short is, the Malaysian band Y2K has been established since the early 2000s and is about to release it's second album. How many albums did Sex Pistols release? Perhaps this article (Sex Pistols' Steve Jones interview: 'We should do a covers album') could be an inspiration to them to reinvent, repackage and just bloody get their band out there more and more and more :P Can...
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Hey! A note of thanks to our interns Melisa Suciati and Keith Chan for helping out at Doppelganger gigs - organising, designing flyers and even door 'biatchin' ;)